Christmas Tradition: Christmas card address labels


I love the personalized address label stamps, but instead of investing in one that wasn’t exactly what I wanted or that I wasn’t willing to commit my life to, I made my own labels with my scanner/printer and the paint and word programs on my computer.

First, I decided on a label size, based on what I bought at the store, then drew a square that size. I then wrote out my address and whatever swirly design I wanted within the square/rectangle. After getting it to look exactly how I liked, I scanned the image and cropped out the border and pasted the image into word. Using the guide of the blank labels I bought, I set the margins and two columns appropriately and copied the image the coordinating number of times as labels per page. Voila! A hundred personalized address labels at for 5 to 10 bucks, depending on whether I bought clear or white blank labels.





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