Tag Archives: advent activity

Advent activity: Angel pretend play


This has been one of my favorite advent activities, probably in part because it is rather girly, by today’s social norms, but could be easily tweaked to be more boy-centered.
I wrapped up a costume we already owned that was white and shiny, along with a white, stretchy headband, to be an angel costume! When Pen Elaine opened it, I informed her that it was an angel costume, so she could give her message to Mary and Joseph, to be played by myself and Daddy. She, of course, was eager to dress up and ready to tell us, “Do not be afraid!” She has been learning all month about the angel telling Mary that she would have a baby, and Pen Elaine even told me (as Mary) that there is a baby in my womb, since my very large belly actually does contain her new baby brother in my womb…This was really fun practice for her knowing the Christmas story. We moved on next to the shepherds and the angel’s message for them.

Next time we play this activity, I think I would bring out the Bible and coach what the angels actually say for Pen Elaine to have more guidance and bring home the true events and the fact that these are real events from God’s Word. With a boy on the way, we may include shepherds or wise men next year, or have a tough lesson on the male-sounding nature of the actual angels involved in Christ’s birth… This year was really fun and relaxed though, and quickly turning into Pen Elaine flying up and down the room and adding costume pieces lying around, such as a lion hat and doctor kit, treating her Daddy/”Joseph” for some imagined ailment.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord….”Luke 2:10-11 NASB

